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Tommy Street Show 

Radio / Music is a passion that transends time. Through fun radio years, thousands of songs, and many artist interviews through my syndicated radio show (Blake Shelton, Kid Rock, Keith Urban, Britney Spears, LL Cool Jay, Queen Latifa, just to "name drop" a few), I'm always very thankful for the chance to do what I love to do most; entertain the folks! However, that magic could never happen if it weren't for the wonderful listeners who phone-in for concert tickets, song request, or just to cut-up with me on the show. You guys put the "fun" into making the radio worth listening. Thank you for that! On a personal note, Murphy & Mazey (Dog / Cat) are a joy to be around. Naturally, I've always been a big supporter of the animal community. Please support Fort Smith Animal Haven in order to make Fort Smith a better place for all our furry friends.




Scott  Walker
5-7 am 


Tommy Street
7-9 am


Tim Morrison 
9 am-2 pm


Becky Shock
2 pm - 7 pm


Jay Fox 
7 pm - Mid


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